About us

The ecological group «Pechenegy» is non-goverment unprofitable social organisation. It is famous in Ukrane, former Soviet Union & worldwide.
The activity direction of the group is protection of wild nature.
The group was found in 1992 by students of biological faculty of Kharkov National University. So, the expirience of nature conservation activity of members is 15-20 years.
For the successful work 2 our group members obtained grant to have a training course in US. In general, our organisation 17 times won grant contests of leed charitable organisations of the world.
Many booklets & books are published by members of our group. As example — the popular issue of the Red Book of Ukraine.
Nowdays our leader moderates several electronic e-mail destributions.
The group carryed on a lot of ecological campaigns. The most major of them are:
«Spruce» Started in december 1994 to solve the problem of illegal treecutting of coniferous trees in New Year period.
«Primerose» Started in 1995-96 for the protection of early spring bloomming plants from the Red Book of Ukraine.
Several years ago the group leeded the ecological hot-line: to help in solving ecological problems of our city. The number of calling people was huge. So nowdays our activity derection also — is help to citizens in solution of local ecological problems. Now the hot-line is closed, but a lot of people call us, even from other regiones of Ukraine.
Now our current activities is campagnes against illegal buildings & treecutting in the city & region.


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